Thank you for these wonderful years!
Florian Vogel, Andrea Schum and team (until 2024)
Fritz Schilling, Iris Geier and team (until 2014)




1 Star

„World tour with Bavarian roots“

Gault&Millau Deutschland – Guide für Gourmets

2 Red Hats

„Expertly crafted, classically oriented cuisine“

Der Feinschmecker – das führende Gourmet-Magazin

2+ „F“

„Sophisticated cuisine in a unique location“

Der große Restaurant & Hotel Guide

4 Hats

„A wealth of ideas, strong in flavor and harmoniously coordinated with one another“

Der Varta-Führer – verlässlicher Begleiter zu den besten Restaurantadressen

4 Diamonds

Recommended by the 2023 Varta Guide

Schlemmer Atlas: Bestes Restaurant-Portal 2023

4 Wooden Spoons

His elaborate menu is full of surprising details“

Horstein-Ranking – Deutschlands beste Restaurants

Rank 148

Ranking 2024

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