Your steps carry you over the bridge into the castle, across its impressive court­yard and straight into the beauti­fully vaulted Camers Schloss­restaurant. Where the ”Hohen Camers“ was located once upon a time, Chef Florian Vogel now offers fine dining – in a creative and surprising way.



Camers Schlossrestaurant is closing. Michelin-starred chef Florian Vogel and his team say goodbye

At the end of 2024, the Michelin-starred restaurant Camers at Schloss Hohenkammer will close its doors. This decision is part of a realign­ment of the culinary offer­ings of the event hotel which will focus on its core busi­ness in the future. Changed economic conditions have notice­ably affected demand, especially in rural first-class cuisine.

Since its opening in 2015 under the leader­ship of Michelin-starred chef Florian Vogel, Camers Schloss­restaurant has been an integral part of Bavaria’s haute cuisine scene. Just two years after open­ing, Vogel and his team earned a Michelin Star, which high­lights the out­stand­ing quality and crea­tiv­ity offered at Camers. “The great collab­ora­tion and cohe­sion within the team were crucial to our success,” empha­sises Vogel. The com­bi­na­tion of haute cuisine, regional prod­ucts and excellent ser­vice turned our restau­rant into a magnet for gourmets. “A heart­felt thank you goes out to our won­der­ful guests who have accom­panied us over the years,” says Vogel. “Their loyalty and enthu­siasm have made our work truly special.”

The culinary variety on the castle campus will be continued with the Guts­hof-Res­tau­rant, the Alte Gale­rie and the beer garden.

Schloss Hohenkammer GmbH


Our Team

Creativity meets respect

Our cuisine is defined by versatility, curiosity and respect for our high-quality ingredients. We use everything we can from the product.

We are how we cook: Everyone counts in our small team. We rely on each other, treat each other with respect and have a lot of fun together!

Join the team!

The chef’s philosophy

Florian Vogel at Gut Eichethof

Internationally influenced fine dining with regional products

From farm to table: Wherever possible, I use ingredients from the neigh­bouring organic farm Gut Eichet­hof, which has been an integral part of Schloss Hohen­kammer for centuries. The quality and fresh­ness of the ingredients are tangible for us chefs. And you can taste it, too: My cuisine unites this quality and salt of the earth with a zest for life and … treats for the palate!


Gut Eichethof

Cooking in nature’s rhythm

“Organic“ as an ingredient

Thanks to our main supplier – the castle’s own farm Gut Eichet­hof – sustain­abil­ity and season­al­ity are deeply rooted in our philosophy.

The estate operates accord­ing to the strict, eco­logically sustain­able standards of Natur­land e.V. It supplies us with a variety of vegetables, flowers and herbs through­out the crop year. The farm is also our supplier of animal products, which appear on the menu as ”Chicken From Around the Corner“, for example. Liter­ally ”around the corner“ – just 300 metres away – is the Geisen­hofer butchers. They cut the Eichet­hof meat accord­ing to Florian Vogel’s instructions.

Thus, the natural and seasonal agri­cultural condi­tions and the live­stock avail­able from the farm shape the current menu … as it should be.

From the region

„Trout 16.8 km“

The best is so close

Of course, we also source from many other suppliers. And the best is so close. As you can clearly see from our ”Trout 16.8 km“, which you will find on our menu from time to time.

Our suppliers


Positively sustainable

Sustainability is common sense

We treat food with respect. Nothing goes to waste. This task is embraced with enthusiasm and crea­tiv­ity: We pickle, salt or cure, acidify, ferment, dry and dehydrate, boil down and preserve. Left­overs become the most delicious sauces.

And our team is constantly encouraged to think sustain­ably and apply common sense. This includes cook­ing with a lid or switch­ing off appliances before the end of the cook­ing time to make use of residual heat.



Kitchen Table

Have a seat in the kitchen!

In the heat of the kitchen

You’ll have a seat right in the kit­chen. The chefs are pre­par­ing your four-course menu right in front of you. Every now and then, the team will have a per­sonal chat with you and will let you in on a few tips. Take a peek over the shoul­der of the pros and enjoy an unfor­get­table dinner.

Choose between a 4-course or 6-course menu with accom­pany­ing wines selected by our maître d’ Andrea Schum. Including small snacks, water, an aperitif and a coffee specialty.

4-course menu
250 euros per person

6-course menu
290 euros per person

max. two participants

Wednesday or Thursday by appointment only

Book now
Phone +49 (0)8137 93 44 43

Overnight packages

Goodnight at Schloss Hohenkammer

More time to indulge

Florian Vogel conjures up culinary creations. Schloss Hohen­kam­mer will enchant you with its ambience:

Camers over night

Enjoy a 6-course menu at Camers Schloss­restaurant (water included). Retreat to a cosy double room after­wards (break­fast included).


On a foray through the culinary offer­ings at Schloss Hohen­kammer: Dine at Alte Galerie one night. Enjoy a 6-course menu (water included) at Camers Schloss­restaurant the other night. On both evenings, you will spend the night in a cosy double room and start the next day with a hearty breakfast.

Book „Camers over night“ now
Starting at 214.50 euros per person

Book „Pleasure²“ now
Starting at 289 euros per person

Reception desk Schloss Hohenkammer
Phone +49 (0)8137 93 40


A unique location for your unique event

Individuality is the key

Each wedding is unique, each an­niver­sary a pre­miere, each big birth­day a high­light; thus, your choice of menu and festive setting must be equally in­di­vid­ual. We there­fore ask you to call so we can per­son­ally help you plan your celebration.


Restaurant: up to 45 people
Stüberl: up to 18 people

Restaurant and Stüberl:
up to 65 people
Schlosssaal: up to 70 people

Jiri Jobst
Head of meeting & event sales private functions

Phone +49 (0)8137 93 45 57

Gift certificates

Palate gifts!

Camers as a present

An evening out of the ordinary in a unique atmosphere. An enchanting menu with perfectly accompanying wines. In other words: the ideal present.

Please contact us if you would like to purchase a gift certificate!

Phone +49 (0)8137 93 41 00



Starred cooking class

Cooking with Florian Vogel

Learn how to cook. Until you see stars

Under the personal instruction of Florian Vogel you will inde­pendently prepare a three-course meal.

You will learn about some sophisti­cated tips and tricks used in starred gas­tron­omy. Meanwhile, members of the Camers kitchen crew will answer every­thing that you’ve always wanted to know about gourmet cuisine. During the follow­ing dinner, our restau­rant mana­ger Andrea Schum will give your creations the finish­ing touch with care­fully selected wines.

Take home a selection of recipes, a Camers apron and the memo­ries of a truly memorable event.

Sat., 24 February 2024
Sat., 21 September 2024

225 euros per participant

Minimum number of 6 people
Groups are welcome to make their own book­ing.

Book now
Phone +49 (0)8137 93 44 43

Unfortunately, we cannot take allergies into account.

Tofu workshop

Tofu workshop with Tien Van Nguyen

From soybean to culinary delight…

Prepare your own tofu under the guidance of our indispensable Tien van Nyguen.

Along the way, you will learn sophisticated recipe ideas and ways of preparing vegetarian cuisine. Meanwhile, the Camers kitchen team answers all the questions you’ve always had about gourmet cuisine.

As a souvenir you take home a handout, a Camers cooking apron and the memory of an extraordinary experience.

Date: Sat., 10 February 2024

129 euros per participant

Minimum number of 6 people

Book now
Phone +49 (0)8137 93 44 43

Hosting colleagues

Meeting at Camers

Culinary synergies

A 4 hands dinner or a winery night? We invite out­stand­ing colleagues and organise unique evenings. With creative menus. With wines that send the palate on a journey of discovery. Kick back and enjoy a special experience.

Information about the next event coming soon!

Camers birthday

12-course birthday menu

12 highlights menu

We will celebrate our birth­day in early June: A 12-course throw­back to the 12 high­lights of the past year. Three evenings in a row! That equals almost end­less opportunities to raise a glass with us.

Thu. (Corpus Christi)/Fri./Sat., 19 to 21 June 2025
— cancelled —

Carte blanche at Camers

The most delicious surprise is in there!

Surprise menu of the most delicious kind

In place of the description of our six-course menu, there is a carte blanche. Empty and white. Those who wish to indulge more frequently in our delicious surprise menus should have a look into our calendar. The carte blanche menu is available about every six weeks, and is brilliantly surprising each time. Food intolerances are naturally taken into account.



Wed., 2 October
Camers on tour

Florian Vogel at Nesmuk Genussloft

Enjoy a top-class menu in the special atmo­sphere of the Nesmuk Manufaktur in Solingen. The Genuss­loft brings together people who value quality, dialogue and enjoyment.

Get your ticket:
Nesmuk Genussloft

Sat., 26 October
from 6 pm
Camers Schlossrestaurant

«carte blanche»

We are happy to wel­come you when our chef Florian Vogel introduces the new Camers-menu in 6 courses.


Thu., 19 December
Camers Schlossrestaurant





1 Star

„World tour with Bavarian roots“

Gault&Millau Deutschland – Guide für Gourmets

2 Red Hats

„Expertly crafted, classically oriented cuisine“

Der Feinschmecker – das führende Gourmet-Magazin

2+ „F“

„Sophisticated cuisine in a unique location“

Der große Restaurant & Hotel Guide

3+ Hats

„A wealth of ideas, strong in flavor and harmoniously coordinated with one another“

Der Varta-Führer – verlässlicher Begleiter zu den besten Restaurantadressen

4 Diamonds

Recommended by the 2023 Varta Guide

Schlemmer Atlas: Bestes Restaurant-Portal 2023

4 Wooden Spoons

His elaborate menu is full of surprising details“

Horstein-Ranking – Deutschlands beste Restaurants

Rank 148

Ranking 2024


Unfiltered and honest

Have a look at our reviews on Google and OpenTable.

We also look forward to your feed­back and will ask for your opinion after your visit! So that we can ful­fil your wishes and meet your require­ments even better.


Follow Us!

Stay tuned

Always up to date

There’s always something going on at Camers! Stay tuned and never miss an opportunity for a culinary high­light or a nice chat with us!

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